Find what makes you feel alive.- Do that.
The PATH is a unique Coaching Program which enables passionate people who love outdoor sports to live the life of their dreams.
With its holistic and individual approach embracing body, mind and soul it focuses on personal growth and development to unfold and live into our full potential.
Transforming extraordinary potential into extraordinary performance. With joy. - This is what we do.
What we do
With Nicola Thost as Patron and managing director
we support epic visions
guide and empower passionate people
in realizing their biggest dreams
while inspiring & encouraging others
through their journey.
Who we are
The PATH #dreamstoreality is a special mission powered by the Nicola Thost Sports Foundation.
Founded by Nicola Thost in recognition of a community of outdoor athletes, adventurers and extraordinary humans who share a passion for stretching comfort zones and creating new ways of personal growth through sports.
Our core values in 4 words: The PATH
P assion
A uthenticity
T ransformation
H igh-Performance
Why we do it
We believe that, sharing the journey of
realizing meaningful dreams
inspires, encourages and empower others.
We give extraordinary people a voice
through what they love most: sports in nature.
We are planting seeds today,
to make the future world a better place to live in.
Interview - Bergwelten
Interview - Snowboarder MBM, Coaching

>>> Spotify #NicolaThost